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JIMS8KFMV5Fixed problem where the incorrect Sametime status was showing for invitations in the Sent view. The icon represented the mailfile owner's sametime...
FPAI8SZFWMFixes an issue with timeslotted calendar views (1 Day, 2 Day, Work Week, One Week) whereby if the user has customized their calendar view by...
TMAI8X84ERFixes issue where print preview on a Group Calendar was causing Notes client to crash
SBUH8W6SW5Fixes potential crash caused by malformed data in the Chair item on C&S workflow notices (such as an invitation).
MKRT856KPPFixes issue where the error "Cannot execute the specified command" is received when selecting the Add To Do List Action from Preview...
IFAY8EZBFKFixes issue where when a user invtied as an FYI participant, updates the meeting invite that they've added to their calendar, their invitee status...
GKLA8THJZYUsing the one month calendar view, when using the date picker control to navigation from one month to the next, there are cases where the navigation...
LPEE87QSXRThe time zone information will always show when forwarding a calendar entry or notice when done in iNotes
SBUH8JNNPQFixes issue with renaming a Room with a name that has extra spaces in it. After the rename, the room can not be found.
SBUH8KUTDUAdds the name of the user involved in an unusual busytime update to the busytime system message about diplicate UNIDs.
RREN8CTFDZFixes issue where a To Do created by selecting Delivery option-> Please reply by can not be correcly removed from the To Do list. Deleting a To Do...
HHIE8DFHTUFixes issue where an alternate name is not being honored on a transferred reservation
ABUI7ZMGPKAdded Color Coding for Calendar Entry Category
KAHY82WJLFFixes issue where the month calendar view does not vertical scroll vertically when using the scroll wheel on a mouse.
NKEY8QNH6HFixes issue where a meeting entry does not appear on a user's calendar if the user had been re-invited to that meeting.
PCOY5UWKHRWhen an All Day Event or Anniversary was created in another time zone it might not show on the correct day. Creating an All Day Event or Anniversary...
MBLT8J4EFYA meeting saved as a draft with the option "Do not receive responses from invitees" does not maintain that option
PSUH8Q5CSBFixes issue in the Basic Client where when a calendar entry is dragged and dropped to a new date/time, the new date/time is not displayed in the...
CSMH8UYK28Fixed an issue where users would intermittently see an error when saving calendar preferences due to a field being too large
UTOO7H79XJSPR# UTOO7H79XJ -This fixes the situation where the special characters ~ and ' were being allowed in a resource name. Those characters will no...
DCON8QSLRQIf the StartTime or EndTime was missing on calendar entry or invitation, the user would be presented with an error and the document would fail to...
SBUH8VMPTPWhen a message contains an embedded iCalendar content that content is extracted when the message is opened. In some cases (noteably when the message...


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